The Chongqing Major Data Analysis

Dota Observatory
Published in
5 min readJan 30, 2019


From Wykrhm Reddy

Congratulations to Team Secret to getting the major championship and the secure spot at TI. The 7.20 meta is a little too stale and have a very low pick rate in the group stage, expecting many nerfs and buffs at 7.21.

With more stronger teams, stats are very different from the minor, but EHOME still successfully provided some vision about the meta. Quick early teamfight and momentum is the theme of the meta, it is exactly what happened in the first and second game of grand finals, Team Secret getting them in 20 and 17 minutes told the story.

Unfortunately, I wrote too slow that 7.21 is out, I will compare the result with the new patch as well.


Games: 93
Total Heroes: 116
Picked: 92
Banned: 86
Untouched: 27

There are more heroes picked as a trial, but top tier heroes are overwhelming.

Most Picked Heroes

  • Lich is still the best pos 5 support, Frost Shield’s early game slow and gank potential is nerfed in 7.21.
  • Earth Spirit is the best pos 4 support, very strong on ganking and roaming, his Damage per Gold is also highest in the list, which causes Rolling Boulder damage nerfs in 7.21.
  • Tusk is another strong support but since teamfight takes longer now, sustain damage are more common instead of burst damage, hurting his ability to save teammates.
  • Tiny should be the best flex pick right now, his low cooldown burst skills help teams to secure the mid-game.
  • Outworld Devourer is the best mid hero now, with correct bans to protect his lane, he is unstoppable. Being able to be picked at the first phase in the later stage of the major is ridiculous. And his ult is heavily nerfed in 7.21.
  • Terrorblade is back again, being the best late carry right now.
  • Juggernaut and Phantom Assassin is the tempo carry in the current meta, especially strong when team up with Magnus, skipping Battle Fury makes them comes online so much quicker.
  • Juggernaut is even more difficult to kill by Omnislash TP, but it is removed in 7.21.

Most Banned Heroes

  • Elder Titan is already strong in lane time due to stacking neutrals for the buff, but the ability to become a carry late game only with a Black King Bar is also very fearsome.
  • Dazzle has been banned a lot but did not have much success. He seems to better be a support than a mid.
  • Huskar has the lowest K+A/D, he has many troubles with surviving. In 7.21, his attack point is improved, making him less dependent on sustaining low HP, expecting to see some better performance.
  • Medusa is ignored at the later stage of the tournament, due to requiring too much time to come online. The 7.21 nerf make Medusa more late-game focus, and she can only get Mana talent or multiple modifiers.

Highest Win Rate Heroes (pick ≥ 5)

  • Io is still very strong when picked with Gyrocopter, some teams also find Luna working. Io has got another rework in 7.21, enemies can now play around the cooldown of Overcharge, but it also makes Io more independent in early games.
  • Shadow Shaman is picked a lot by Team Secret, the pushing power and CC is help a lot at the mid game.
  • Timbersaw is picked to counter tanky off lane heroes like Tidehunter, and the enemy team cannot deal with him when they have not enough magic damage. Reactive Armor has got a very minor nerf which requires more charges to be full in 7.21.
  • Faceless Void should be picked more, many different teams have success with him.
  • Since less attack speed hero is picked, Phoenix has a much better performance.

Lowest Win Rate Heroes (pick ≥ 5)

  • Batrider requires some item to work, he is also not a good carrier of Vladmir’s Offering, which is not ideal as an off lane core. But the item is heavily nerfed in 7.21.
  • Shadow Fiend is still too risky to play, due to losing charge on death, his buyback is mostly not impactful.
  • Many teams are trying Grimstroke, but his combo is really difficult to pull off. In many games, he just gets caught and deleted in a second.

Highest Pick Rate Increase

  • Doom is a rising star, especially on countering Outworld Devourer.
  • It is strange that Magnus becomes pos 4, which also reflected in his win rate, it is a risky move.
  • Puck is also back as a viable mid; the new leash effect helps a lot.

Highest Pick Rate Decrease

  • Troll Warlord is now a situational pick, he is still strong in the correct hands.
  • Keeper of the Light is some kind avoided by teams, mostly due to the death of Medusa strategy.
  • Jakiro is mostly banned when Darkseer is picked.
  • Pugna is also banned a lot to protect the Outworld Devourer pick.



Last Pick is a bit too strong, but due to the ancient camp change in 7.21, I am expecting a huge change on the faction balance.

